So! For my first post, I’ll be creating a simple drawing code (using a winforms picturebox). Even though non-GPU rendering is far from optimal for creating a game, it can be useful for testing our game algorithms.
Drawing on a picturebox with GDI+
We'll be creating a new project (Windows forms app - .Net framework), we need a new form and a new module.
Insert a picturebox and a timer control |
Just for reference I have named the following as shown below
- Starting form - F_SRender
- Timer Control - RefreshTmr
- Picture box - RenderBox
- Module - M_SRender
Let's take a quick look at our module which I will put here with minimal explanation since we won't be using these much (besides algorithm testing)
I think it can be better explained in the drawing below
The process of refreshing, resets then draws everything in a graphics container and at the end it draw the graphics container on screen |
'Our declarations for Graphics, Bitmaps, Rectangles, Integers and our Brush (using a texture brush in my experience is the best and fastest way to draw with GDI+)
Public Gs As Graphics
Public Bs As Graphics
Public NewBit As Bitmap
Public QRect As Rectangle
Public TRect As Rectangle
Public TestDrawingS As Bitmap
Public TestDrawingB As TextureBrush
Dim RWidth As Int16 = F_SRender.RenderBox.Width
Dim RHeight As Int16 = F_SRender.RenderBox.Height
Dim Qx, Qy As Integer
'Our drawing sub
Public Sub SoftRender(ByVal Func As String)
If Func = "LOAD" Then 'Here we load a *.PNG file (named TestCircle) that I added to my.resources onto TestdrawingS
TestDrawingS = New Bitmap(My.Resources.TestCircle)
Qx = RWidth / 2
Qy = RHeight / 2
'Qx and Qy are the position variables for the image that we'll draw
Gs = F_SRender.RenderBox.CreateGraphics
NewBit = New Bitmap(RWidth, RHeight)
ElseIf Func = "REFRESH" Then 'This is called by the timer in the form (resets, draws some primitives, draws the image)
ElseIf Func = "RESET" Then 'Fill the Renderbox with a color brush
QRect = New Rectangle(0, 0, RWidth, RHeight)
Gs.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, QRect)
ElseIf Func = "FINALIZE" Then
'Throwing Gs Graphics to Bs and Drawing the buffer
Gs = Graphics.FromImage(NewBit)
QRect = New Rectangle(0, 0, RWidth, RHeight)
Bs = F_SRender.RenderBox.CreateGraphics
Bs.DrawImage(NewBit, 0, 0, RWidth, RHeight)
ElseIf Func = "TEXTURE" Then
'Defining a rectangle and filling it with the texturebrush we created
Dim fontT As New Font("Arial", 12)
QRect = New Rectangle(0, 0, My.Resources.TestCircle.Width, My.Resources.TestCircle.Height)
TestDrawingB = New TextureBrush(TestDrawingS, QRect)
TestDrawingB.TranslateTransform(Qx, Qy)
TRect = New Rectangle(Qx, Qy, My.Resources.TestCircle.Width, My.Resources.TestCircle.Height)
TestDrawingB.ScaleTransform(1, 1)
Gs.FillRectangle(TestDrawingB, TRect)
'Move the image
Qy -= 2
If Qy < -My.Resources.TestCircle.Height Then Qy = RHeight + My.Resources.TestCircle.Height
ElseIf Func = "DRAW" Then
'Draws a string and an ellipse
Gs.DrawString("GDI+", New Font("Arial", 12), Brushes.White, 110, 40)
Gs.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, QRect)
End If
End Sub
And don't forget to add
on Form_Load
and on Timer_Tick
On running the app you should have a window as show below (The gradient circle with the arrow is the *.PNG image file I used)
Rendering result |
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