Grid Based Worlds and filling tiles using a tilemap (Post #3)

 Creating grid based worlds

Grids (or nodes) are an easy way to create the base for your game.

Why? Simple! When you move around the world and you project your player position in comparison to an underlying grid you can easily implement collision, pathfinding, field of view, etc.

Creating our Grid

Now how do we create our grid?

A 2d grid and a 3d grid shown above


An easy way to create a grid with multiple properties is a Structure, which will hold our tile properties (Position X,Y Tile ID for picking the correct texture and a boolean that renders it walkable or not)

    Public Structure GridStruct
        Public X As Integer
        Public Y As Integer
        Public Z As Integer
        Public ID As Integer
        Public Blocked As Boolean
    End Structure

    Public MaxGridX As Integer = 47 'Maximum tiles on the X axis
    Public MaxGridY As Integer = 24 'Maximum tiles on the Y axis
    Public GridWidth As Integer = 24 'Each tile will be 24x24 pixels in size
    Public GridWorld(MaxGridX, MaxGridY) As GridStruct '2D World

    Public Sub GridCalls(ByVal Func As String)
        Dim X, Y, Z As Integer

        If Func = "CREATE" Then
            For X = 0 To MaxGridX
                For Y = 0 To MaxGridY
                    GridWorld(X, Y).X = X * GridWidth
                    GridWorld(X, Y).Y = Y * GridWidth
                    GridWorld(X, Y).Z = Z * GridWidth

                    'So example of a tile position would be
                    '(2,3,1).x = 2 * 24
                    '(2,3,1).y = 3 * 24
                    '(2,3,1).z = 1 * 24

                    GridWorld(X, Y).ID = Int(Rnd() * 4) 'Assigning random values for tile ID

 'Now we'll create a worm like algorithm to create random connected dirt through our grid world
            Dim StartX As Integer = 20
            Dim StartY As Integer = 12
            Dim WormSteps As Integer = 360
            Dim Direction As Integer = 0

            GridWorld(StartX, StartY).ID = 5
            For Z = 0 To WormSteps
                Direction = Int(Rnd() * 4)
                If Direction = 0 Then
                    StartY -= 1
                ElseIf direction = 1 Then
                    StartX += 1
                ElseIf direction = 2 Then
                    StartY += 1
                ElseIf direction = 3 Then
                    StartX -= 1
                End If
                If StartX < 0 Then StartX = 0 : If StartX > MaxGridX Then StartX = MaxGridX
                If StartY < 0 Then StartY = 0 : If StartY > MaxGridY Then StartY = MaxGridY

                GridWorld(StartX, StartY).ID = 5

        End If
    End Sub

We make a call to the above on our Form_Load event (GridCalls("CREATE")) for the grid to be created.

And now for drawing our grid we'll create a Tile map image as shown below.

Tilemap creation

TestDrawingS = New Bitmap(My.Resources.TileMap) 'Resource

We change our resource file to the TileMap.PNG file (We had this code in SoftRender("LOAD"))

And for our drawing we'll use this code on our SoftRender("DRAW")

 For X = 0 To MaxGridX
                For Y = 0 To MaxGridY
                    QRect = New Rectangle(GridWorld(X, Y).ID * 24, 0, 24, 72) 'We select the tile (From Tile ID - X position and Width and Height)
                    TestDrawingB = New TextureBrush(TestDrawingS, QRect)
                    TestDrawingB.TranslateTransform(GridWorld(X, Y).X, GridWorld(X, Y).Y - 48) 'Subtracting our tilemap offset
                    TRect = New Rectangle(GridWorld(X, Y).X, GridWorld(X, Y).Y - 48, 24, 72)
                    TestDrawingB.ScaleTransform(1, 1)
                    Gs.FillRectangle(TestDrawingB, TRect)

And we should have a result like shown in the image below

The forest

Now we see the random map. We have lots of trees and rocks, we could change our tilemap image to have more ground tiles or our tile picking random tile ID picking to give less weight to tree and rock tiles.


