Strategy game, construction and research windows - UI (Post #19 / Strategy game #10)

 We have our main UI visuals ready and the starting game process with our settler and our first city. Now let's expand!


I decided to add some visuals for the game to look a bit better. Let's add a unit that will give an update on how your game is going on it's own or every couple of turns. I'll add the code and show you what I mean.

Add the following structure and GameTime variable (which will be our turn)

    Public GameTime As Integer

    Public Structure AdvisorStruct
        Dim Height As Integer
        Dim StrLen As Integer
        Dim StrText As String
        Dim StrTextL2 As String
        Dim Frame As Integer
    End Structure

    Public GameAdvisor As AdvisorStruct

On Faction_F("END_TURN") I added the following code which checks some basic data and gives a text back based on them.

GameTime += 1
            If GameTime Mod 2 = 0 Then 'Advisor will spawn once every two turns
                I = 0
                For Q = 0 To MaxCitiesPF
                    If Faction(0).City(Q).Enabled = 1 Then
                        I += 1
                    End If
                If I < 1 Then 'If there is no city
                    GameAdvisor.StrText = "We need to build a city, our people"
                    GameAdvisor.StrTextL2 = "are without a place to stay!"
                    I = 0
                    For Q = 0 To MaxUnitsPF
                        If Faction(0).Unit(Q).ID > 0 Then
                            I += 1
                        End If
                    If I < 5 Then
                        GameAdvisor.StrText = "We have no units to protect our"
                        GameAdvisor.StrTextL2 = "faction! Build more units!"
                        I = 0
                        For Q = 0 To 10
                            I += Faction(0).STLibrary.Resource(Q)
                        If I < 20 Then
                            GameAdvisor.StrText = "We don't have enough resources."
                            GameAdvisor.StrTextL2 = "It's time to expand our borders!"
                            GameAdvisor.StrText = "We are doing well enough!"
                            GameAdvisor.StrTextL2 = "Let's keep this going!"
                        End If
                    End If
                End If

I kept it simple, you can do it as complex as you want. This one is good for the first 20 turns or so, after that it will just repeat the last message.

On our UI render I add this clause for when no other window is open.

(It uses the length of our text as seen above to bring the advisor in the screen, take him off at the end and enough time for the player to read the message.)

 ElseIf SUIWindow = 0 Then
                'No window is open
                If GameAdvisor.Frame < 68 Then
                    GameAdvisor.Frame += 1
                    GameAdvisor.Frame = 0
                End If

                If GameAdvisor.StrLen > Len(GameAdvisor.StrText) * 3 Then
                    If GameAdvisor.Height > ScreenHeight - (32 * 2 + 5) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH) Then
                        GameAdvisor.Height -= 1
                    End If
                    sRect = New Rectangle(525, 297, 275, 32)
                    dRect = New Rectangle((35 + 5) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height, sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, sRect.Height * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH) * 2)
                    DrawTexturedQuad(sRect, dRect, 907, 548, 3, 1.0F, 1, 1, 1, 1)
                    DrawText(GameAdvisor.StrText, (35 + 10) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height + 15, 2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)
                    DrawText(GameAdvisor.StrTextL2, (35 + 10) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height + 55, 2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)

                    sRect = New Rectangle(280 + (GameAdvisor.Frame \ 10) * 35, 297, 35, 32)
                    dRect = New Rectangle((5) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height, sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, sRect.Height * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH) * 2)
                    DrawTexturedQuad(sRect, dRect, 907, 548, 3, 1.0F, 1, 1, 1, 1)
                    GameAdvisor.StrLen -= 1
                ElseIf GameAdvisor.StrLen > 0 Then

                    If GameAdvisor.Height <= ScreenHeight Then
                        GameAdvisor.Height += 1
                    End If

                    sRect = New Rectangle(525, 297, 275, 32)
                    dRect = New Rectangle((35 + 5) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height, sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, sRect.Height * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH) * 2)
                    DrawTexturedQuad(sRect, dRect, 907, 548, 3, 1.0F, 1, 1, 1, 1)
                    DrawText(GameAdvisor.StrText, (35 + 10) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height + 15, 2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)

                    sRect = New Rectangle(280 + (GameAdvisor.Frame \ 10) * 35, 297, 35, 32)
                    dRect = New Rectangle((5) * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, GameAdvisor.Height, sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) * 2, sRect.Height * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH) * 2)
                    DrawTexturedQuad(sRect, dRect, 907, 548, 3, 1.0F, 1, 1, 1, 1)
                    GameAdvisor.StrLen -= 1
                End If


Now we have an advisor popping on our screen. You could create more advisor sprites based on turn (gametime) and have your advisor change clothes through time. (Only thing to check is to keep the space under the advisor empty so you can implement more advisors just by changing the Y on source rectangle)

Let's add a button to close the faction-city management window, A bit mixed since this is the way I'm going through it

On GameButtons("CREATE")

SButton(5).Text = "Close faction window"
            SButton(5).Enabled = 1
            SButton(5).X = 290 : SButton(5).Y = 515
            SButton(5).Width = 79 : SButton(5).Height = 15
            SButton(5).UIState = 1

On GameButtons("CLICK")

ElseIf SButtonHover = 5 Then 'If the mouse is over close faction - city management window
                If SButton(5).UIState = SUIWindow Then
                    SUIWindow = 0
                End If

On Rendering faction-city management window

DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicA(1), 415 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (350) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Treasury
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicA(2), 415 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (363) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Income
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicA(3), 415 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (376) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Population
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicA(5), 415 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (389) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Technology
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicA(7), 415 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (402) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Construction
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(1), 334 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 429 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Education
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(2), 419 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 429 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Taxation
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(3), 504 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 429 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Luxuries
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(4), 589 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 429 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Unemployment
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(5), 334 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 466 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Civility
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(6), 419 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 466 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Militarism
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(7), 504 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 466 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.2, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Science
                DrawText(Faction(0).STLibrary.PolicyPoints, 580 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 466 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Policy points

 Now I'm going to create buttons for adding and removing policy points.

On GameButtons("CREATE")

   For I = 6 To 9 'BasicB(1)
                SButton(I).Text = "Policies Plus 1/2"
                SButton(I).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I).X = 354 + 85 * (I - 6) : SButton(I).Y = 420
                SButton(I).Width = 7 : SButton(I).Height = 7
                SButton(I).UIState = 1

                SButton(I + 8).Text = "Policies Minus 1/2"
                SButton(I + 8).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 8).X = 331 + 85 * (I - 6) : SButton(I + 8).Y = 438
                SButton(I + 8).Width = 7 : SButton(I + 8).Height = 7
                SButton(I + 8).UIState = 1

                SButton(I + 4).Text = "Policies Plus 2/2"
                SButton(I + 4).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 4).X = 354 + 85 * (I - 6) : SButton(I + 4).Y = 457
                SButton(I + 4).Width = 7 : SButton(I + 4).Height = 7
                SButton(I + 4).UIState = 1

                SButton(I + 12).Text = "Policies Minus 2/2"
                SButton(I + 12).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 12).X = 331 + 85 * (I - 6) : SButton(I + 12).Y = 475
                SButton(I + 12).Width = 7 : SButton(I + 12).Height = 7
                SButton(I + 12).UIState = 1

The above loop creates the following buttons in order for the player to assign or re-assign policy points.

 On GameButtons("CLICK")

 ElseIf sbuttonhover >= 6 And SButtonHover <= 13 Then 'Adding policy points to basicB
                If Faction(0).STLibrary.PolicyPoints > 0 Then
                    Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(SButtonHover - 5) += 1
                    Faction(0).STLibrary.PolicyPoints -= 1
                End If
            ElseIf SButtonHover >= 14 And SButtonHover <= 21 Then 'Adding policy points to basicB
                If Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(SButtonHover - 13) > 0 Then
                    Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(SButtonHover - 13) -= 1
                    Faction(0).STLibrary.PolicyPoints += 1
                End If

We added the button references and the click button events, now we can assign the points with ease.

By now we should have almost all of our management values in place, and we need to create buttons to assign points, unit constructing and connect them with our research structure and window. It's a bit too much, but we'll try to mix it up all together at once, so for this matter I updated the UI.

We need to create structures to hold our unit and research availability which will be heavily dependent on each other.

But first let's create handles to open our new windows.

On GameButtons("CREATE")

 SButton(22).Text = "Construct Menu"
            SButton(22).Enabled = 1
            SButton(22).X = 638 : SButton(22).Y = 430
            SButton(22).Width = 177 : SButton(22).Height = 15
            SButton(22).UIState = 1

On GameButtons("CLICK")

ElseIf SButtonHover = 22 Then 'If the mouse is over construct button
                If SButton(22).UIState = SUIWindow Then
                    SUIWindowConstruct = 1
                End If
            End If 

            For I = 23 To 31 'Units
                SButton(I).Text = "Units"
                SButton(I).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I).X = 15 + 29 * (I - 23) : SButton(I).Y = 354
                SButton(I).Width = 25 : SButton(I).Height = 25
                SButton(I).UIState = 1

                SButton(I + 9).Text = "Units"
                SButton(I + 9).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 9).X = 15 + 29 * (I - 23) : SButton(I + 9).Y = 383
                SButton(I + 9).Width = 25 : SButton(I + 9).Height = 25
                SButton(I + 9).UIState = 1

                If (I + 18) <= 44 Then
                    SButton(I + 18).Text = "Units"
                    SButton(I + 18).Enabled = 1
                    SButton(I + 18).X = 15 + 29 * (I - 23) : SButton(I + 18).Y = 412
                    SButton(I + 18).Width = 25 : SButton(I + 18).Height = 25
                    SButton(I + 18).UIState = 1
                End If

            For I = 45 To 53 'Units
                SButton(I).Text = "Buildings"
                SButton(I).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I).X = 15 + 29 * (I - 45) : SButton(I).Y = 441
                SButton(I).Width = 25 : SButton(I).Height = 25
                SButton(I).UIState = 1

                If (I + 9) <= 58 Then
                    SButton(I + 9).Text = "Buildings"
                    SButton(I + 9).Enabled = 1
                    SButton(I + 9).X = 15 + 29 * (I - 45) : SButton(I + 9).Y = 470
                    SButton(I + 9).Width = 25 : SButton(I + 9).Height = 25
                    SButton(I + 9).UIState = 1
                End If

 This will create our construct button and buttons for all units on the library, we will also create a variable to hold that window state.

Public SUIWindowConstruct As Integer 'Construct window state

On our UI render inside the following clause If SUIWindow = 1 Then add

If SUIWindowConstruct = 1 Then
                    'Construct window
                    sRect = New Rectangle(280, 329, 280, 214)
                    dRect = New Rectangle(5 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (ScreenHeight - (sRect.Height + 5) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH)), sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), sRect.Height * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH))
                    DrawTexturedQuad(sRect, dRect, 907, 548, 3, 1.0F, 1, 1, 1, 1)

                    If SButtonHover >= 23 And SButtonHover <= 44 Then
                        DrawText(Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 22).Name & " (" & Int(Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 22).Turns - Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 22).Turns * (Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(6) + Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(4)) / 100) & ")", 17 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 507 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Units Hovering over
                    ElseIf SButtonHover >= 45 And SButtonHover <= 58 Then
                        DrawText(Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 22).Name & " (" & Int(Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 22).Turns - Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 22).Turns * (Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(7) + Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(4)) / 100) & ")", 17 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 507 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Buildings Hovering over
                        DrawText("None", 21 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 507 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Construction Hovering over
                    End If
                End If

Don't forget to add Game_Library_Construct("LOAD", 0, 0) when game loads. This new sub with the variable and structure declarations are the following.

 Public Structure Library_Constructions_S
        Dim Name As String
        Dim UnlockID As Integer 'An index which when called will unlock the unit
        Dim Unlocked As Integer 'Is the unit or structure unlocked
        Dim Turns As Integer
    End Structure

    Public Lib_Construct_S(36) As Library_Constructions_S
    Public LibraryConstructIndex As Integer
    Public Sub Game_Library_Construct(ByVal Func As String, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer)
        Dim I, Q As Integer
        Dim IndexID As Integer

        If Func = "LOAD" Then

            For I = 0 To 36
                Lib_Construct_S(0).Name = "None"
                Lib_Construct_S(I).Turns = 0
                Lib_Construct_S(0).UnlockID = 0
                Lib_Construct_S(0).Unlocked = 0
            Lib_Construct_S(0).Name = "None" : Lib_Construct_S(1).Name = "Settler" : Lib_Construct_S(2).Name = "Worker"
            Lib_Construct_S(3).Name = "Warriors" : Lib_Construct_S(4).Name = "Archers" : Lib_Construct_S(5).Name = "Pikemen"
            Lib_Construct_S(6).Name = "Cavalry" : Lib_Construct_S(7).Name = "Catapult" : Lib_Construct_S(8).Name = "Longbowmen"
            Lib_Construct_S(9).Name = "Knights" : Lib_Construct_S(10).Name = "Riflemen" : Lib_Construct_S(11).Name = "Cannon"
            Lib_Construct_S(12).Name = "Infantry" : Lib_Construct_S(13).Name = "Parachuters" : Lib_Construct_S(14).Name = "Light Vehicle"
            Lib_Construct_S(15).Name = "Marines" : Lib_Construct_S(16).Name = "AA Vehicle" : Lib_Construct_S(17).Name = "Tank"
            Lib_Construct_S(18).Name = "Helicopter" : Lib_Construct_S(19).Name = "Airplane" : Lib_Construct_S(20).Name = "Fighter Jet"
            Lib_Construct_S(21).Name = "Ship" : Lib_Construct_S(22).Name = "Warship"

            Lib_Construct_S(0).Turns = 0 : Lib_Construct_S(1).Turns = 16 : Lib_Construct_S(2).Turns = 14
            Lib_Construct_S(3).Turns = 8 : Lib_Construct_S(4).Turns = 7 : Lib_Construct_S(5).Turns = 16
            Lib_Construct_S(6).Turns = 22 : Lib_Construct_S(7).Turns = 24 : Lib_Construct_S(8).Turns = 20
            Lib_Construct_S(9).Turns = 26 : Lib_Construct_S(10).Turns = 26 : Lib_Construct_S(11).Turns = 22
            Lib_Construct_S(12).Turns = 32 : Lib_Construct_S(13).Turns = 34 : Lib_Construct_S(14).Turns = 36
            Lib_Construct_S(15).Turns = 38 : Lib_Construct_S(16).Turns = 42 : Lib_Construct_S(17).Turns = 52
            Lib_Construct_S(18).Turns = 68 : Lib_Construct_S(19).Turns = 70 : Lib_Construct_S(20).Turns = 80
            Lib_Construct_S(21).Turns = 38 : Lib_Construct_S(22).Turns = 80

            Lib_Construct_S(23).Name = "Granary" : Lib_Construct_S(24).Name = "Temple" : Lib_Construct_S(25).Name = "Market"
            Lib_Construct_S(23).Turns = 8 : Lib_Construct_S(24).Turns = 18 : Lib_Construct_S(25).Turns = 22
            Lib_Construct_S(26).Name = "Barracks" : Lib_Construct_S(27).Name = "Watchtower" : Lib_Construct_S(28).Name = "Courthouse"
            Lib_Construct_S(26).Turns = 18 : Lib_Construct_S(27).Turns = 22 : Lib_Construct_S(28).Turns = 24
            Lib_Construct_S(29).Name = "Library" : Lib_Construct_S(30).Name = "Police station" : Lib_Construct_S(31).Name = "Factory"
            Lib_Construct_S(29).Turns = 26 : Lib_Construct_S(30).Turns = 22 : Lib_Construct_S(31).Turns = 36
            Lib_Construct_S(32).Name = "Apartments" : Lib_Construct_S(33).Name = "Transit" : Lib_Construct_S(34).Name = "University"
            Lib_Construct_S(32).Turns = 20 : Lib_Construct_S(33).Turns = 30 : Lib_Construct_S(34).Turns = 28
            Lib_Construct_S(35).Name = "Airport" : Lib_Construct_S(36).Name = "Power Plant"
            Lib_Construct_S(35).Turns = 40 : Lib_Construct_S(36).Turns = 46
        End If

    End Sub

Now I'm going to leave them all available by default for now, so we can test our game's newly added data. Now let's go to implementing our research window.

On GameButtons("CREATE")

SButton(59).Text = "Research"
            SButton(59).Enabled = 1
            SButton(59).X = 900 : SButton(59).Y = 487
            SButton(59).Width = 15 : SButton(59).Height = 15

On GameButtons("CLICK")

ElseIf SButtonHover = 59 Then 'If the mouse is over research button
                SUIWindow = 2

And onward to creating our research buttons. (I'm going in small steps throughout the whole post since I'm adding them in this order on the code myself).

On GameButtons("CREATE")

'The following loop is for creating our research buttons

For I = 60 To 66 

                SButton(I).Text = "Research queue (1)"
                SButton(I).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I).X = 533 + 23 * (I - 60) : SButton(I).Y = 433
                SButton(I).Width = 22 : SButton(I).Height = 22
                SButton(I).UIState = 2
                SButton(I + 7).Text = "Research queue (2)"
                SButton(I + 7).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 7).X = 533 + 23 * (I - 60) : SButton(I + 7).Y = 456
                SButton(I + 7).Width = 22 : SButton(I + 7).Height = 22
                SButton(I + 7).UIState = 2
                SButton(I + 14).Text = "Research queue (3)"
                SButton(I + 14).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 14).X = 533 + 23 * (I - 60) : SButton(I + 14).Y = 479
                SButton(I + 14).Width = 22 : SButton(I + 14).Height = 22
                SButton(I + 14).UIState = 2
                SButton(I + 21).Text = "Research queue (4)"
                SButton(I + 21).Enabled = 1
                SButton(I + 21).X = 533 + 23 * (I - 60) : SButton(I + 21).Y = 502
                SButton(I + 21).Width = 22 : SButton(I + 21).Height = 22
                SButton(I + 21).UIState = 2

We need to create our research structure

    Public Structure Library_Research_S
        Dim Name As String
        Dim ConstructionID1 As Integer 'An index to unlock constructions
        Dim ConstructionID2 As Integer 'An index to unlock constructions
        Dim ResearchID1 As Integer 'And index to unlock research
        Dim ResearchID2 As Integer 'And index to unlock research
        Dim Turns As Integer
        Dim Researched As Integer
        Dim Available As Integer
    End Structure

    Public Lib_Research_S(28) As Library_Research_S

And inside our sub that we created above

Public Sub Game_Library_Construct(ByVal Func As String, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer)

we'll add (after the code for creating our construct library) the following for research

            Lib_Research_S(0).Name = "None" : Lib_Research_S(0).Turns = 0

            Lib_Research_S(1).Name = "Farming" : Lib_Research_S(1).Turns = 3
            Lib_Research_S(2).Name = "Husbandry" : Lib_Research_S(2).Turns = 5
            Lib_Research_S(3).Name = "Horseback riding" : Lib_Research_S(3).Turns = 8
            Lib_Research_S(4).Name = "The Wheel" : Lib_Research_S(4).Turns = 12
            Lib_Research_S(5).Name = "Sailing" : Lib_Research_S(5).Turns = 20
            Lib_Research_S(6).Name = "Gunpowder" : Lib_Research_S(6).Turns = 32
            Lib_Research_S(7).Name = "Computers" : Lib_Research_S(7).Turns = 64

            Lib_Research_S(8).Name = "Simple tools" : Lib_Research_S(8).Turns = 4
            Lib_Research_S(9).Name = "Clay working" : Lib_Research_S(9).Turns = 9
            Lib_Research_S(10).Name = "Masonry" : Lib_Research_S(10).Turns = 16
            Lib_Research_S(11).Name = "Bronze working" : Lib_Research_S(11).Turns = 20
            Lib_Research_S(12).Name = "Iron working" : Lib_Research_S(12).Turns = 28
            Lib_Research_S(13).Name = "Construction" : Lib_Research_S(13).Turns = 32
            Lib_Research_S(14).Name = "Rocketry" : Lib_Research_S(14).Turns = 68

            Lib_Research_S(15).Name = "Alphabet" : Lib_Research_S(15).Turns = 9
            Lib_Research_S(16).Name = "Writing" : Lib_Research_S(16).Turns = 14
            Lib_Research_S(17).Name = "Mathematics" : Lib_Research_S(17).Turns = 19
            Lib_Research_S(18).Name = "Cartography" : Lib_Research_S(18).Turns = 20
            Lib_Research_S(19).Name = "Physics" : Lib_Research_S(19).Turns = 22
            Lib_Research_S(20).Name = "Chemistry" : Lib_Research_S(20).Turns = 34
            Lib_Research_S(21).Name = "Advanced physics" : Lib_Research_S(21).Turns = 58

            Lib_Research_S(22).Name = "Trading" : Lib_Research_S(22).Turns = 12
            Lib_Research_S(23).Name = "Religion" : Lib_Research_S(23).Turns = 16
            Lib_Research_S(24).Name = "Laws" : Lib_Research_S(24).Turns = 20
            Lib_Research_S(25).Name = "Monarchy" : Lib_Research_S(25).Turns = 24
            Lib_Research_S(26).Name = "Feudalism" : Lib_Research_S(26).Turns = 38
            Lib_Research_S(27).Name = "Democracy" : Lib_Research_S(27).Turns = 46
            Lib_Research_S(28).Name = "Technocracy" : Lib_Research_S(28).Turns = 50

 And now on our rendering for SUIWindow = 2, on the following clause If SUIWindow = 1 Then add another elseif for SUIWindow = 2 as follows

             ElseIf SUIWindow = 2 Then 'RESEARCH MANAGEMENT
                'Research window

                sRect = New Rectangle(560, 329, 297, 132)
                dRect = New Rectangle(ScreenWidth - 140 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW) - sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), (ScreenHeight - (sRect.Height + 5) * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH)), sRect.Width * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), sRect.Height * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH))
                DrawTexturedQuad(sRect, dRect, 907, 548, 3, 1.0F, 1, 1, 1, 1)

                If SButtonHover >= 60 And SButtonHover <= 87 Then
                    If Lib_Research_S(SButtonHover - 59).Name.Contains(" ") Then
                        DrawText(Split(Lib_Research_S(SButtonHover - 59).Name, " ")(0), 697 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 436 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.1, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)
                        DrawText(Split(Lib_Research_S(SButtonHover - 59).Name, " ")(1), 697 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 446 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.1, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)
                        DrawText(Int(Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 59).Turns - Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 59).Turns * (Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(1) + Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(4) + Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(7)) / 100), 783 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 436 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)
                        DrawText(Lib_Research_S(SButtonHover - 59).Name, 697 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 436 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.1, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)
                        DrawText(Int(Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 59).Turns - Lib_Construct_S(SButtonHover - 59).Turns * (Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(1) + Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(4) + Faction(0).STLibrary.BasicB(7)) / 100), 783 * (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 436 * (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)
                    End If
                    DrawText("None", 697* (ScreenWidth / UISizeW), 436* (ScreenHeight / UISizeH), 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) 'Construction Hovering over
                End If

            End If

 Our research window is also ready! Next post we'll create our library interactions!

