Math and general algorithms
- Bresenham Line and Circle
- Euclidean grid distances and reversing them for heightmaps
- Circle math, basic raycasting on a grid based on an angle
- A worm-like algorithm for generating maps
Strategy game (Civ-Like - OpenGL)
- Basic sprite sheets, and running openGL as a console application
- Isometric projection algorithms, drawing textures and generating a random map
- Field of view, Fog of war and text sprite sheet
- Redesigning the UI to fit the game
- Lowering GL_Calls, displaying text
- Spawning units on our map and moving them based on mouse clicks
- Pixel art, sprite sheets overhaul and custom cursor
- Custom resolution, buttons, building cities
- Working with strategy data, (resources, land etc.) and UI
- Construction and research window (UI)
- Researching and building units in cities
- Turn based system and unit movement restrictions
- Creating a basic AI and a battle system
- Battle system, abilities, statistics